Diploma Applied Interior Design 2023

Diploma Applied Interior Design 2023

When you combine highly motivated students, inspiring external guest lecturers and a passionate and knowledgeable tutor team, the result is an environment where design that matters can be cultivated, talent can flourish, and the foundation laid for an exciting career in industry. Full-time and part-time graduates have, during their time on the Diploma, engaged with design projects spanning multiple sectors, including residential, commercial, and hospitality. 

Collaboration is a key feature of the design industry. Through our group project students have engaged in a community focused project; helping others to realise a future that is more local, more mutual, more equitable and more sustainable. 

Our students also explored research projects covering textiles and their application in interiors and the evolution of style. With alumni who have established themselves in industry ‘coming home’ to the Diploma course and lecturing to and leading our students in design projects, we’ve had an incredibly challenging but rewarding and productive year and our students now stand as nascent junior designers, ready to enter industry. 

Kevin McEwen, Acting Course Leader DipHE Applied Interior Design

Validated by the University of Sussex

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