Holly Hull

Holly Hull
United Kingdom

The decision to embark on a career transition from business development to interior design has taught me the art of balance; blending practicality with creativity to achieve innovative yet functional design solutions. It has reinforced my belief that a well-designed space can significantly impact its inhabitants’ lives, fostering well-being, productivity and ultimately happiness.

As an Art-History graduate I have a deep appreciation for historical styles and global design aesthetics. I naturally gravitate towards spaces that create a sense of timelessness by striking an elegant balance between traditional and contemporary styles. The art of achieving a harmonious interior by skillfully layering colours, patterns, textures and vintage pieces, always impresses me.

Naturally inquisitive in nature, I enjoy building strong relationships and seeking a comprehensive understanding of a client during the design process. The opportunity to translate these findings into deeply personal interior schemes, infused with a sense of the clients’ individuality felt particularly rewarding throughout the various Diploma projects, especially during the residential briefs. 

Familiar with fast-paced professional services environments, which involve the management of multiple stakeholders whilst maintaining the highest standards and hitting challenging deadlines, I have had to work with the upmost attention to detail. Excellent communication, interpersonal and organisational skills have been a pre-requisite in my previous project-management roles and will transfer well to interior design.

I’m now really looking forward to further developing my design skills within the industry, ideally at a London-based studio. Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss my work in further detail.