Mary-Jane Vaughan

Mary-Jane Vaughan
United Kingdom

I approach my work with a mixture of curiosity and perceptiveness, ensuring each design I produce is tailor-made for my client and their project. I dig deeply into ideas and alternatives, unafraid to challenge the status quo while also being logical and analytical.  This is reflected in a portfolio that is both rigorous and unconventional. 

I came to design later in life after a career in commercial and client facing roles within IT and the voluntary sector. My success in these positions stemmed from similar instincts – understanding the customer and presenting creative solutions. 

More recently, I briefly worked for myself, delivering several retail and residential projects. I continue to consider my options for the future, having enjoyed both practicing design and the academic aspects of the degree. 

On a personal note, I have three teenage daughters who have been my inspiration throughout.  My proudest moment will be receiving my degree with them watching.  Teaching them to navigate life with resourcefulness and an open mind will be my greatest accomplishment.