Lian Shanti

Lian Shanti
United Kingdom

Relocating to London in 2021 and immersing myself in all things design, gave me the final nudge to pursue my passion for interior design. Pivoting from a career in Finance and Business Development has allowed me to blend my existing capabilities, with a new skill set from the Diploma course, gaining a totally fresh perspective. Many years spent in the Middle East, along with a blended background and love for travel have provided a rich tapestry of cultures and design influences that come across in my own personal design style.

The course has covered a wide breadth of projects from residential, commercial, community spaces, exhibition stands, bespoke joinery and historical interest briefs, a selection of which are displayed below. Over the last year I have been on an incredible journey and I am truly excited to keep expanding my knowledge in the field, as I take my first steps into the industry.