Laura Logan

Laura Logan
United Kingdom

Diploma Grade: Distinction

I am a detail oriented person with a love of designing human-driven spaces that tell a story - spaces that contain and enable individual rituals. I have a strong ethos of sustainable, conscious design, influenced by salutogenic principles. My designs, both commercial and residential, respond to project specific context and environmental demands to create interiors that materially respect and conserve natural resources whilst also delivering a strong emotional connection for clients and end users. The details matter to me, particularly when concerned with bringing warmth and soul to spaces through the use of layered materiality and repurposed pieces.

I have applied my passion for conscious design to my KLC studies, refining my approach and exploring its application in a diverse range of commercial and residential settings.  I was particularly proud to showcase this approach in our final project, for which I won an award for the Top Residential design.  

Prior to KLC I had a successful career as a London lawyer, whilst doing interior design on the side. I am used to and comfortable in intense and focussed work environments where problem-solving and a keen eye for detail are essential. In 2021 I threw in my hat as a lawyer so I could commit fully to interior design. I have already been able to apply these skills to a number of projects, including designing the interiors of four residential homes. 

Please get in touch if you’d like to see my full portfolio.